Friday, June 13, 2008

Ceramic Summer

It has begun! The last two days have seen me convincing myself that I had to finish this and that around the house before getting started on my ceramic "studio." I think it was my subconscious fear of... what? I don't even know. I just could see myself gradually putting it off regardless of all the ideas I had swimming in my head after our coast trip. I am a complicated individual. But yesterday I spent a small fortune on some shelving (remarkable how expensive some dinky shelves can be) to set up a place to store my in-progress work in "the studio." Incidentally, I say "the studio" because it's the sorriest excuse for a ceramic studio I can imagine. Now that I've begun I am seeing all the logistical problems with my set-up. I'll work through those, however, and plan to have the most productive summer of my life!
Embarrassing as it is... my rinky-dink "studio."
And today's efforts... my mini-series.My mom dropped me a line on an opportunity at the end of the summer to possibly make a fair amount of money. Apparently Cottonwood, Idaho (yes glamorous Cottonwood) has a Raspberry Festival and they are seeking artists to host booths for the meager price of $30. I would LOVE to do this so that's my summer goal and it was this more than anything else that got me in motion. I'll try to update my progress frequently. Check back if you're interested! And hey, pass the word if you like what you see.

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