Thursday, July 23, 2009

Pots pots and more pots

I've ended production on the work I'm taking for the Raspberry Festival and I'm just finishing up some of the last carvings. My hope is to drag all this work in to school to fire this weekend, a task I've been worried about all summer. With all the trouble I've had with my handles it would just be my luck that they would all get bumped and break off somewhere in transport (they are so fragile). All told, I have 12 mugs, 12 neti pots, 10 plates (7 with leaves), a smattering of tree pots, and about 20 or 25 minis. I don't know how it matches up to last year's product. It's scattered all over my studio at the moment, so I'll have a better idea when I get it all out on the table for photos. I'll hopefully be bisque firing this weekend and glazing the first part of next week. We're off to the festival next Saturday.

On another note, my new website should be up and running next week. It will be a more professional display of my work, primarily to get it out there and hopefully make more sales. I will still be blogging here about all matter of life, never you worry. I'll let you know what it is when it is. But it's definitely exciting.

With all this pottering, I haven't done anything else for weeks. My house is in a state, my yard is overgrown with weeds (although thanks to a little unexpected help from my mother-in-law while we were camping this last weekend, it's a little bit less-- Thanks Maria!!) I have closet doors that I've been wanting to finish painting this summer, a couple of paintings for our hallway to finish, curriculum to plan and Master's homework to start. It's piling up and my summer is dwindling away! It's enough to bring on full-fledged panic. I'll post about our latest camping trip a little later.

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