Tuesday, September 30, 2008

At long, long last!

I have to give a shout out to my awesome mom (you're the best!) for her help over the weekend. She came over and worked her weeding magic to help me conquer the last corners of our yard that were yet unfinished. The bark we got way back at the beginning of the summer didn't make it all the way around as we had hoped and in the interim the weeds had yet again taken over. With so much on our plates I wasn't sure when we'd get around to finishing though I was desperate to try to get all the dirt covered before the winter hit. The dogs, Molly especially, love to lay in it and they drag so much of it into our already dusty house. So with mom's tenacious super-weeding abilities we were able to deep-six the weeds and yesterday we got the bark down! Now all that's left is filling it all in with plants, but that's for next year. My backyard is officially done... for now. You may be interested to see the before photos here and here. Most of the work happened this year, except for the grass! However as an aside, I do still have a butt-ton (literally 140) tulip and iris bulbs to plant, perhaps this weekend if it isn't too rainy. Next year our yard should be totally rockin'! I can't wait to have people over for a little bbq on our sweet new patio in our sweet new yard, but I'm afraid that the weather this weekend may not hold up for it. We'll see. You guys have plans?


Anonymous said...

The before and after pictures are incredible. You guys did an amazing job! We have decided to stay in town and try to get a few things done at home (the honey-do list). If it doesn't rain let us know if you guys have a bbq :) Good luck on your homework!

Jess said...

Oh my gosh does it look wonderful! You guys should be so proud. We would love to come over sometime. We haven't been over since that bbq you had...I don't even remember when! It just looks amazing!

Kelli and Chad said...

Your yard looks great! I tagged you, see my blog for details. I hope you can do it, I want to know some random things about you.

idette said...

Your yard looks great! I wish we would have had time to come see your place while in ID.