Sunday, October 12, 2008

short update before bed

I just had my second weekend of my first Master's class. It was another greatly rewarding weekend with some of my new favorite people in the world. Unfortunately now that I'm entering crunch time to complete the final project of the course I do believe I'm coming down with strep throat for the third time since March. According to my doc I'm dangerously close to needing my tonsils taken out. Pretty sure I don't have time for that. Anyway, as I'm feeling kind of junky I'm going to bed a little extra early. I'll update more hopefully tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jason Haberman said...

Um... let me speak from experience that you DO NOT WANT TO GET YOUR TONSILS OUT.

That being said, if you end up having to, set aside 2 full weeks of doing nothing but sitting around, unable to sleep, unable to read, doped up on powerful pain killers, and pissed off at food commercials.

However, once I was healed, it was worth it. I sleep thru the night and don't get sick any more.