Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I've said this before and it remains true. The night before opening the kiln is just like Christmas Eve. I have a few things I'm excited to see come out of this latest firing (pictures forthcoming) so although I can hardly stand to be at work these days I'm anxious to go in tomorrow morning and crack that baby open.

Also, things to come... I'll be living the wild life of an almost serious artist with my own website hopefully soon. Apparently it pays to have connections and I have a graduating senior who has his own web development business. I know, ambitious huh? Turns out he's really talented and approached me about designing my website. (Don't feel slighted Jas, I should have hit you up when you had all that free time at your old job! I don't want to bog you down with extra projects.) Anyway, I'm not sure when it will be done and online but I'll let you know when I know. And make your travel plans now! We're on again for the Raspberry Festival the first Sunday in August in glorious Cottonwood, Idaho. I'm hoping to expand my offerings this year and look forward to my second annual attempt at acting like a real artist.

More to come.

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