Sunday, December 14, 2008

Husband Humor

Adrian is completing our kitchen (nearly two years later...) and today while putting up our new cabinet box we had some technical difficulties in locating the wall studs. So he took a quick trip to Wal-Mart for one of the fancy kind that beeps over the studs...

Here's what he tells me tonight:

"So I was in the aisle looking for those stud finders, right? I turned the corner and they all started going off..."


Zac's mommy said...

Tell him I'm ROFLMAO!!!!

Jess said...

You know he was working on that line the whole way there and back....

Anonymous said...

I think he's been waiting to use that line for years, and he was just waiting for a time when he needed to hang something heavy on the wall, then he faked not being able to find the studs so he would get a chance to go to the studfinder aisle. Men can be tricksy little hobbits! -- Lisa