Saturday, November 1, 2008


Our collective make-up took a little over 2 hours to do. But the result was pretty stinking cool. We joined up with some friends and hit the downtown scene; something I haven't done in a long time. When we walked in to Hannah's the folks at the door wanted to enter us into their costume contest. We had to stick around until midnight for it though and the music was bad so we left and went to the Bistro instead. I told Adrian that he probably had a shot with his costume but there was no way I could stand up to some of those that I saw. For the both of us it was enough just to know that we were good enough to warrant entrance. His costume was such a hit. Lots of comments on it. I'd just like to say, his make-up was all me. :)


Zac's mommy said...

That costume is AMAZING! Waaaaaay better than the clown costume he wore for Z's second birthday. :) Great job on the makeup. Tell Adrian he should dress like that every day. :)

Stephanie said...

You guys look amazing! You totally should have won the contest!

Kelli and Chad said...

You both rocked those costumes! You guys were a little scary, thats awesome.