Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spraying Glaze (part 2 of 3)

Today I finally ended my standoff with the pottery I've made this semester. I finally got my own crap out in our Ghetto Booth for some spraying and found that afterward a weight had been lifted that I didn't know I had been carrying. I'm so used to not finishing ANYTHING that I become accustomed to that feeling of "bleh- I really should finish those...." But I figured with our last couple of firings coming up this week it's my last opportunity to get my things finished before the fall (unless I want to pay to have them fired elsewhere which I am by no means up for- especially when you consider the odds of my glazing turning out like poo and me adding yet more artifacts to the potter's field of broken dreams). I had several student items to fit in the kiln and of course those get top billing before my stuff as we're down to the wire but I managed to squeeze all but one piece in. So the good news is that will fire off tomorrow and I should have pictures for your (hopeful) viewing pleasure on Friday or Saturday. Can you taste the anticipation? Yah, me too. I don't know any potter who doesn't feel that Christmas morning thrill when they open the kiln after a glaze. After all this waiting now it suddenly seems so hard to wait. I'm reminded why my students hound me about when will the kiln be unloaded?? and did you get my stuff in??? and why didn't my stuff get in??!! which always makes me Crazy (yes, with a capital C). Here's hoping I'm not monumentally disappointed.

On a related note, my plans to bring the ceramic studio a little closer to home (like, say... in our back bedroom) are making me buzz with ideas for this summer. I've got some new ideas I'd like to try out and I think by having all that I need at home (minus the kiln) I'll be more motivated to see my ideas through. Adrian said he would build me some shelves to store my stuff on until I can transport it back to school for firing in late July/early August. My plan is to treat this somewhat like a job with regular (though perhaps not as long- it is my summer after all) hours every day. I figure I could bust out a boat-load or two over the span of a summer and feel more willing to experiment with new forms and ideas. I'm feeling pretty pumped about it. More on that later, I'm sure. Stay tuned.

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