Friday, May 16, 2008

Spraying Glaze! And other news...

Yesterday we made MVHS history and sprayed glaze for the first time. I know what you're thinking... yes, it was quite momentous. It may not have been the prettiest setup but I tell you what, once we got it, and despite the wind factor, and the fact that all of us were wearing about as much glaze as went on the pots, and the fact that air compressors terrify me we were triumphant. Of course the real test will be when the pots come out of the fire next week. I've yet to spray mine as I'm crossing my fingers that we'll have less wind on the day I make my attempt. We were pretty excited about it, regardless of how ridiculous the setup was. Probably more excited than is reasonably expected for such an activity. So I took pictures (not great ones, and of course the photos I took were prior to me pulling out the safety masks so it looks like I'm the irresponsible teacher but really I'm not!

I'll probably post more about our experiences soon... now to other news.

Last night Adrian and I took the plunge and bought a new laptop. I've had it in my mind to downsize to a laptop for a couple of years. My old computer (which was purchased around 2000) had become an antique and gave me so many memory problems (on the computer, not me personally) that I finally had to be done with it. My generous siblings stepped up to donate to the popular "support the baby sibling" charity and supplied me with a fancy new (to me) computer and a huge monitor. But I've been hesitant to do too much with it because it wasn't really mine and I knew that one day I would eventually replace it with one that was really ours. So I've been watching the deals at Costco for a while, researching what I thought I would like and finally last night we did it. It's an HP Pavilion Notebook with 250GB hard drive and a bunch of other features that I couldn't begin to describe (and don't really understand.) The wake up call was that I have to actually purchase Microsoft Office. Way back when, that kind of thing came standard. I guess I get why they don't put that on automatically but for people like me it would be really handy. So for now I've got a 60 day trial on Word and Norton but will have to do something after that... unless I have a connection out there somewhere... but we'll see. Now I'm just in the process of figuring out how to transfer everything. Really I'm not all that computer savvy so I may have to enlist some help, possibly in exchange for dinner (Jas) or free babysitting (Chris). Anyway, it's pretty exciting. I'm amazed by the technology of this thing and can't wait to learn all the bells and whistles.

Busy weekend ahead!

1 comment:

Jess said...

Awesome job with the bark, the spraying and everything! Your yard just looks fantastic. Your hanging baskets make me very jealous...but I have a magnificant red and white one that someone dropped off for me that I love! Oh and I'll drop you an email on the computer stuff.